четверг, 4 октября 2018 г.

Causes of riding a dog on the priest

If a dog fumbles around on the floor, what does it mean? Most often this is the main sign that she is worried about anal itching. In addition to riding on the fifth point, the owner may notice a number of other troubling symptoms in his pet: anxiety, poor sleep, persistent licking of the anus, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite. Let's try to find out what the most common causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a canine riding on the pope:
Paraanal gland occlusion. The most common reason why dogies roll on the floor on the priest lies in the disruption of the work of para-aerial glands, producing an odorous secret, which is necessary for marking a territory. This problem develops when the consistency of the secretion of para-anal glands changes from habitual to too fluid or thick, for example, against the background of hypothermia, stress, hormonal disorder or weakening of the immune system. In addition to the itch of the dog, when paraanal glands are blocked, they suffer from loss of appetite, pain in the anus, restless sleep, stool disorders, and ulceration in the anus.

Helminthiasis Parasitic worms - one of the main reasons why a dog rides booty on the floor, carpet, grass. If there are a lot of worms in the intestines, they tend to crawl out through the anus, as a result of which the dog furiously licks itself under the tail and rides the bottom. Other symptoms of worm infestation - constipation, alternating with diarrhea (in the feces may be blood, and sometimes fragments of parasites), lack of appetite or strong zhor, weight loss (while the dogs stomach in some cases looks bloated), poor condition of hair and skin , swelling of limbs, cough.

Hemorrhoids. If a dog rides a priest, but there are no worms, then one can suspect the expansion of the hemorrhoidal veins due to, for example, low or excessive motor activity, obesity, hormonal failure. Symptoms of dog hemorrhoids in addition to riding on the priest on the floor - frequent licking of the anus, constipation (when trying to relieve the dog takes an unnatural posture, sometimes whimpering), blood in the feces (the feces are very hard), the lump in the anal area (in the advanced stage bleeding).

Colitis. It happens that the dog rides ass due to inflammation of the colon. Causes of colitis are foreign objects stuck in the intestines, helminthic invasions, autoimmune disorders, stress, unhealthy diet and dysbacteriosis, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, oncological processes, etc.). With colitis, besides an itch of the anus, there will be rumbling and pain in the abdomen, an increase in temperature, increased gas formation, bad breath, loss of appetite, weight loss, a gray tint on the tongue, occasional cases of vomiting, and tachycardia.

Enterocolitis. With inflammation of the small and large intestines, the dog may also experience severe itching of the anus. Transferred infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, parasitic invasions, poisoning, food allergies, poor nutrition, and long-term antibiotics usually lead to enterocolitis. The symptoms of such a disease other than itching in the pope are nausea, loose stools (sometimes with blood) and constipation, pain in the peritoneum, bloating and rumbling of the abdomen.

Dehydration. Dehydration can occur on the background of kidney failure, endocrine diseases, infectious and non-infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting and / or diarrhea, poisoning, oncological ailments. When hard stools damage the intestines and anus, the animal begins to suffer from unbearable itching and pain, which leads to a ride on the carpet. Other signs of dehydration include lethargy, weak pulse, the urge to vomit, flabbiness of the skin, eye congestion, stickiness of mucous membranes.

Hygiene after the toilet is not so often the case, but some animals, while riding on the owner's carpet, clean the soiled fur after the toilet, especially if they have for some reason loose stools. The animal, not wanting to lick itself, simply clears the adhered to the wool feces on the carpet, upholstery of the sofa or grass during a walk. Owners in such situations are required to exercise vigilance, every time washing the animal after the toilet. As a rule, after the adjustment of the chair such a canine behavior disappears.

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